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SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud Connector

This article explains how to set up the SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud connector.

Note: This connector uses the JDBC driver provided by Progress Hybrid Data Pipeline (HDP). It requires the user to set up the connection in HDP.

For more information on how to set up HDP connections refer Setup Connections to On-Premises and Direct Data Sources.

SAP Public Cloud Configuration

Use Communication Management to expose the SAP Public Cloud API’s to the insightsoftware Cloud Platform.

Communications User and System

Create a dedicated communications user to connect to the SAP Cloud instance (inbound communication) and setup a new Communications System representing the insightsoftware Platform.


Note: This is logical system and does not physical require host name and port to exist.

Communication Arrangement

Create new Communication Arrangements to link the new Communication System, User and the following appropriate Scenarios. Some examples are shown below:

Communication Scenario Scope Item

Finance - Accounting Analytics Integration (SAP_COM_0303)

Accounting and Financial Close(J58) Accounting and Financial Close(O58)

SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning Integration (SAP_COM_0087)

Import Connection setup with SAP Analytics Cloud(1YB)

Note: If the communications scenario cannot be found ensure that SAP Scope Items has be enabled.


HDP connector Setup

  1. Sign in to Progress HDP with the credentials provided by insightsoftware.

  2. Create aConnection in HDP using the SAP S/4HANA data store.

  3. Create the data source in HDP by filling the required fields in the SAP S/4HANA Data Source form.

    1. Server Name

    2. User ID

    3. Password

  4. In the performance tab, update the Web Service Fetch size to 5000.

    Verify if the connection to HDP is successful.

Connection Setup In Platform

  1. Navigate to Connections, and select Create Connection.

  2. Select the SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition Data Source.

  3. Enter information in the following required fields:



    Data Sources

    SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition




    A name for the connection. You can refer to this field while creating business views.


    The HDP JDBC URL with the HDP Data Source name specified in it. The JDBC URL follows the format:

    jdbc:datadirect:ddhybrid://<HDP Server URL>;hybridDataPipelineDataSource=<HDP Data Source Name>


    The HDP username


    The HDP password

  4. Save the connection. Angles will automatically validate the connection before saving.

  5. Once the connection is saved, the business views will automatically start importing.

Prebuilt Content

This connection will have prebuilt content. Any available business views will be automatically imported. Here are the prebuilt business views that are imported:

  1. Company Code-MF-S-SAP

  2. Cost Center Groups-GL-S-SAP

  3. Cost Center Hierarchy-MF-S-SAP

  4. Cost Centers-GL-S-SAP

  5. Currency-MF-S-SAP

  6. GL Account Groups-GL-S-SAP

  7. GL Account Hierarchy-GL-S-SAP

  8. GL Account Line Item-GL-S-SAP

  9. GL Accounts-GL-S-SAP

  10. GL All Balances-GL-S-SAP

  11. GL All Journal Lines-GL-S-SAP

  12. GL Trial Balance-GL-S-SAP

  13. Ledger-GL-S-SAP

  14. Planning Category-GL-S-SAP

  15. Planning Entry Items-GL-S-SAP

  16. Profit Center Groups-GL-S-SAP

  17. Profit Center Hierarchy-GL-S-SAP

  18. Profit Centers-GL-S-SAP

  19. Segments-GL-S-SAP

  20. Sysinfo-MF-S-SAP




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