Angles v22.2 Release Notes
This article describes feature enhancements, resolved issues, and important information for Angles releases.
Angles v22.2
This article describes feature enhancements, resolved issues, and important information for Angles v22.2.
Feature Enhancements
Title | Description |
Performance Enhancements | We have updated Angles so you will see performance increases in the several areas, including:
Create New Business View | You can now select the New Business View button in the Business List view, and Angles steps you through the process to create a new Business View. |
User Profile Update | Angles now provides you with a User Profile flyout menu when you select a user in Account Settings. |
Multiple Account Access | Angles now enables your users to switch seamlessly between accounts. |
User Experience Enhancements | UX Enhancements for Angles 22.2 include:
Business View Security | You can now add security to users, groups, roles, rows, and/or columns. |
Resolved Issues
Title | Description |
Manage User Screen Display | You can now view the Manage Users screen with the user names and initials in user bubbles. |
Manage Roles | Manage Roles no longer appears on the Admin Home page. |
Dashboard with Fusion Business Views | You can now view dashboards that were built with fusion sources. |
Visualizations Display Properly | Visualizations now display properly after being created. |
UI Fixes | Column headers now show as reactive with an underline when you mouse over them, and the Save button is now in the proper place under the Manage Users flyout. |
Business View Read Write Permissions | You can now add users and manage groups, and give write or delete access to dashboards, without having to set up associated write or delete for business views. |