Export Visuals
Export your visuals in a variety of formats, as an image or as data. Exported visuals enable you to share your data with others.
Note: Special characters are not supported. If your visual title, visual name, or the name of the data source contains special characters, you need to update the name before continuing.
Visuals can be exported in the following formats:
- PNG Screenshot (as an image)
- PDF file (as an image)
- Raw data (as a CSV file)
- Aggregate visual data (as a CSV file)
Note: If a table has been grouped, you cannot export its raw or visual data.
Exporting Visuals
- Select Export from the visual drop-down menu. A submenu appears allowing you to select the format in which you want the visual to be exported.
- Select a format on the submenu.
- If you select Screenshot (PNG), the screenshot is prepared and automatically downloaded.
- If you select PDF, the Export as PDF dialog appears. Optionally, specify a header and footer for the PDF. Slide the Add Username switch on (to the right) to add a user name to the PDF. Slide the Add Timestamp switch on (to the right) to add a time stamp to the PDF. Then select Export.
- When you select Visual Data (CSV), the data is prepared with applied filters and the CSV file is automatically downloaded.
- When you select Raw Data (CSV), the Export as CSV dialog appears. Select the number of records to export in the Number of Records box. The number you can specify may be limited by your administrator.
- Optionally, select an attribute in the Sort by box. If you select an attribute, sort order options to sort the raw data in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical option are provided. Select a sort order. The raw data will be sorted by this attribute in the requested sort order in the exported CSV file.
- When finished, select Export The raw data CSV file is prepared and downloaded.