Available Visual Types
You can use the available visual types work area to make specific visual styles available for a data source.
If you have the Administer Initial Visuals privilege, you can update available visual types as needed.
Defining visual types for a source:
- Log in as a user with the Administer Initial Visuals privilege.
- Select Sources on the UI menu. The Sources page appears.
- On the Sources page, locate a data source configuration to edit, and select the more menu (....).
- Select Available Visual Types. The available visual types work area for this source opens.
- Select to enable and disable the visuals you want user to be able to use for this source. All visual types are shown by default: select Standard Visual Types or Custom Visual Types to edit the lists, or use the search field to find a specific visual.
If a visual type exists for this source that you later disable, existing visuals remain, but new visuals of that type can not be made. For example, disable bar visual types for a source to prevent users from creating bar visual types from that source. Existing bar visuals from that source remain unchanged.
- Select Save to close the work area for this source. All available data fields are automatically included in these default visual settings.
Access and update settings common for all visual styles on the Global settings tab. Global default settings allow you to set time bar and search box settings that apply to all visual styles for the data source.
For more information on Time Bar, See: