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This article describes how NetSuite integrates into Angles.

Optimize your operational reporting processes with AnglesProf for NetSuite. Use our pre-built visuals, dashboards, and business views to access familiar reports and information. Easily create new reports, dashboards, and visualizations to view and share your operational reporting in more expansive ways:

  • Pre-built visualizations and dashboards get you and your team started.
  • Accessible tools for users to filter, drill down, and export data.
  • Connect using a cloud connection to replicate your data for fast, easy access.

Business Views

Business views are interactive, extensible views that are designed to address finance's needs, incorporating pre-built dashboards and visuals connected directly to your data and integration optimized to work with your ERP.

  • Pre-built content packs address common financial and operational reporting needs.
  • Tools to configure custom reports.

Available Business Views

This is not all of the list, there are more to add.

Source: Netsuite-Business View Library [Confluence] - Updated 23 March 2022 only on minor typos fixed.

Business Views supplied with your AnglesProf integration include:

SummaryJira TicketDescription
Summary CF-Descriptive text about this item (Show row by disabling HIDDEN from the row). Add new rows at the top.
Daily Account Balance CF-345 Daily Cash flow monitoring of specific accounts or series of accounts allows the user to have the information necessary to meet compliance requirements for threshold limits, debt covenants or risk management.
Intercompany Matrix CF-217The Intercompany matrix business view combines the data from accounts payable and accounts receivable into one source, limited to accounts flagged for intercompany use.
Master Data: Items Master CF-146The inventory master data contains a record for each inventory item in each inventory or location. Each Inventory Master record stores the current quantities and costs for the item in the specified inventory location, as well as other information about the item that is specific to the location.
Purchase Orders: Purchase Order Receipts CF-127 A purchase receipt is a type of document that keeps a record of the details regarding the purchase of any products or services. Purchase receipts are also made in the event that employees accept and acquire materials from a supplier in regards to a purchase order.
Sales Orders CF-93 Sales orders help in tracking the items or services which have been ordered by a customer.
General Ledger Transactions CF-92 The General Ledger is considered the ‘master record’ for all of the business' transactions.
Invoice Receipts CF-77When a customer makes a payment, a record of the payment is made and applied to the appropriate invoice or cash sale. Applying a payment decreases the amount due and assists with tracking income. This type of transaction is considered the receipt for the invoice.
Invoices CF-76An invoice is a record of sale to a customer. Invoicing is the process of creating bills for goods and services that customers receive. The invoice amount is the total due to be paid by the customer.
Vendor Purchase Order Returns CF-75A vendor return allows to track credit owed which can in turn be applied to a vendor’s bills.
Purchases CF-74A Purchase order, or PO, is an official document issued by a buyer committing to pay the seller for the sale of specific products or services to be delivered in the future.
Accounts Payable: Vendor Payments CF-73 Once goods have been verified and received from a seller, a buyer has an obligation to pay said vendor for their products. Vendor payments may be made in various ways, from cutting checks, using credit cards or a direct payment using EDI or a similar method. When a payment is to be made can be driven by pre negotiated Payment terms. Such terms can be based on the date the goods were received, the date the transaction was created or the date the supplier provided the invoice. The Vendor Payments view allows visibility of payment transactions.
User Roles CF-56This view allows a user to see levels of access and permissions by role.
Employee Expenses CF-55Employee Expense reports are part of the process by which a business reimburses their employees for money spent on business related matters.
Revenue Recognition CF-53The revenue recognition is the process and timing by which revenue is recorded and recognized as an item in a company’s financial statements.
Accounts Payable: Vendor Expenses As Of CF-46 The AP Transactions business view provides a detailed transactional audit of your accounts payable vendor invoices (Bills) and Journals. It can be used to create reports like
  • Vendor Expense reporting
  • Vendor Transactions - This report serves as an audit trail of posted transactions in your vendor accounts, within the range of dates you specify. Use the report to obtain an overview of your vendor accounts in any period for which you have Accounts Payable data.
Master Data: Employee CF-42Employee Master data is a vital piece of information used in several business processes.
Master Data: Vendors: CF-40 Vendor Master records are core data with which business is conducted. The data changes infrequently and can include reference data which is necessary to operate the business. Vendor Master Data drives every transaction and facilitates a range of critical operational and compliance activities; from accurate financial withholding to spend analysis and company wide reporting.
General Ledger CF-36Business View provides access to segment balances by SOB and includes DFFs and translated currency balances. Common uses: FSG style reports, trial balance, income statement and balance sheet.
Accounts Payable: Accounts Payable Aging As Of CF-34 AP Aging Detail - This report groups outstanding transactions into a buckets grouped by days by transaction date or due date. Use the report to analyze your payable. You can run the report in detailed form, listing all outstanding documents for each vendor, or in summary form, listing one line for each vendor. AP Register - This report provides an audit of transactional data by Payable Account based on the date provided. Aged Cash Requirements - This report highlights the cash amounts that will be required to meet obligations as they become due, including the amount needed to pay invoices that are overdue, current, and due in each of four future periods you define. Use the report for cash flow analysis and projections.
Accounts Receivable: Accounts Receivable Transactions As Of CF-26 The AR Transactions business view provides a detailed transactional audit of your accounts receivable customer invoices and Journals. This business view can be run ‘As Of’ a specific date. It can be used to create reports like
  • AR Aging Detail
  • Open Invoices
  • Customer Payments
  • AR Payment History



Dashboards contain visuals that allow you to analyze and present your data in an easily consumable format.

  • A dashboard is a collection of one or more of your visuals. The visuals in a dashboard can be based on one or multiple data sources.
  • When you first connect to AnglesProf, several dashboards and visuals are pre-built with your data in mind. After you've connected your ERP, these dashboards will get you started.
  • Use pre-built dashboards as a starting point to build your own custom dashboards including the visuals and data you need.

Available Dashboards

This is not all of the list, there are more to add.

Source: Netsuite-Dashboard Library [Confluence] - Updated 23 March 2022 only minor typos have been fixed from source.

Dashboards supplied with your AnglesProf integration include:

SummaryJira TicketDescription
Summary CF-Descriptive text about this item (Show row by disabling HIDDEN from the row). Add new rows at the top.
Intercompany Due To - Due From As Of CF-393The Intercompany Due To - Due From As Of Dashboard displays intercompany transactions by subsidiary and vendor or subsidiary and customer over a period of time defined by the user. The dashboard relies on the AsOf date feature to allow the user to set the consolidated exchange rate period.
General Ledger: Daily Account Balances CF-346 Daily Account Balances allows the end user to set a threshold and monitor daily balances for a specific account(s) or type of account based on transaction dates.
Master Data: Items CF-272 The Items Master Data allows the user to see data associated with items individually or across locations.
  • Item Register
  • Number of Items Modified Last 90 Days
  • Number of Item Created Last 90 Days
  • Items by Location
Sales Orders: Dashboard CF-271 Sales orders are a method for helping customers purchase items that are handled differently from instock items. Sales orders can be used to process items at the warehouse level, or services provided such as installations or repairs. Examples:
  • Sales Orders
  • Percent of Sales Orders by Sales Rep
  • Percent of Sales Orders by Customer
  • Percent of Sales Orders Created By
Accounts Receivable: AR Aging Pivot CF-220The AR Aging pivot dashboard is a tabular representation of the AR Aging Detail Report.
Accounts Payable: Vendor Payments CF-213 The Vendor Payments Dashboard provides a detail report listing payments made to vendors.
Purchasing: Purchasing Item Receipts CF-212A purchase receipt is a type of document that keeps a record of the details regarding the purchase of any products or services.
Accounts Payable: AP Vendor Expenses CF-211 The Dashboard provides the following:
  • AP Expense by Account
  • Vendor Expenses by Department
  • Vendor Expense Report by Account
  • Top 10 Vendor Expenses by Account
  • AP Expense by Currency Trending
  • Purchase by Vendor Detail Report
Master Data: Vendor Master Data CF-209 The Vendor Master Data Dashboard grants a quick view of:
  • Vendor Listing
  • Vendors created in the last 90 days
  • Vendors modified in the last 90 days
Accounts Payable: Accounts Payable No. 2 CF-196 The Second Dashboard for Accounts Payable grants a view to:
  • AP Report Open Bills
  • AP Report Accounts Payable Aging Detail
  • AP Gross Amount vs Outstanding by Percentage
  • Accounts Payable Aging by Currency
Accounts Payable: AP Aging Pivot CF-195The AP Aging Pivot dashboard displays the AP Aging Summary report using As Of for the date criteria.
General Ledger: General Ledger Balances CF-194 The General Ledger Balances allows a quick view of:
  • Trial Balance Trial
  • Balance by Subsidiary
Purchasing: Employee Expenses CF-193 The Employee Expenses Dashboard is a quick synopsis of:
  • Employee Expenses by Subsidiary and category
  • Total Employee expenses over a date range
  • Employee Expenses Trend
Master Data: User Roles CF-190 Levels of access and permissions are controlled by the assigning of Roles. Each role includes a set of permissions that determine the data users can see and the tasks they can perform. The Role Analysis dashboard provides a view of:
  • Number of users with administrative rights
  • Distinct system users
  • Employee Roles Roles in use
Dashboard: Customer Master Data CF-149 The Customer Master Data dashboard grants a quick view of:
  • Customer Listing
  • Number of Customers
  • Number of Customers visited by Month
Dashboard: Purchase Orders CF-148 The Purchase Order Dashboard allows visibility of:
  • Purchase Order Register
  • Purchase Orders with a Variance
  • Return Authorization Status by Percentage
  • Number of POs created by User
Dashboard: Employee Master Data CF-129 The Employee Master Data dashboard supports the following:
  • A count of the employees created in the last 90 days
  • The number of Employees by Subsidiary
  • A listing of the Employees
Invoices: Invoicing CF-128The invoicing dashboard allows the user to view metrics for the last 30 days as well as invoice and invoice receipt details.
Revenue: Revenue Recognition CF-119The revenue recognition principle dictates the process and timing by which revenue is recorded and recognized as an item in a company’s financial statements.
Dashboard: Accounts Receivable CF-117The Accounts Receivable dashboard represents a collection of metrics which enable the user to evaluate their efficiency in collecting what is owed in a timely manner.
Dashboard: Accounts Payable CF-23 This dashboard supports the following Visuals:
  • Top 10 oldest overdue AP amounts by vendor
  • Top 10 Vendor Payable aging
  • Top 10 Largest AP amounts Due over time by Vendor
  • Open Top 20 vendor payables
  • Top 20 vendor payables ranked by value
  • AP Aging Summary As Of
  • Accounts Payable Outstanding by Department
  • Accounts Payable Outstanding by Currency

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